Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So it's been over a month....

Ok I realized today that I haven't posted anything on here in a LONG time. I'm going to pass that off on moving into a new house. Speaking of moving into a new house...We have been there 18 days and counting. So far the only major catastrophe was a $400 ELECTRIC BILL!!!! That had me seeing spots. Evidently there was too little coolant in our heat pumps...(A lb low each...we have 2). However we've been keeping an eye on it and currently our metered usage isn't dropping as much as we feel it should considering the beautiful weather as of late...Ok I'll admit that yesterday was cold...but as a whole the month has been mild so far. Our contractor for the most part is being accomodating to our concerns. He's having a seperate company come out and look at it from the one that installed it. That makes me feel better. I have a nagging feeling that there is a leak somewhere. Oh and the furnace in our basement...(the other one is in our attic...)....we can't get the filter in it!!! :O( Adam was so mad last night. It's just the way it is with us...the simplest of tasks...slipping a filter into a furnace should be so easy.....yea it ended up w/ several different tools, a bent filter, and we're going to make the other guy look at it! On the positive side the one in the attic slipped right in.

I currently do not have a finished kitchen. No sink....no dishwasher.....and missing 3 cabinets, as well as various trims and moldings. My island counter is setting on the cabinets but isn't attached due to no sink base so I have 3 drawers I can't really get into. I'm so anxious to have the house put together and settled and I just don't see an end in sight. My light at the end of the tunnel is that Nicole is moving in this week and if there is one thing she's good at, it's getting things accomplished! I forsee nightly projects until her basement is completed! And that's a good thing for me.....don't know about for Adam! hehehe!

Brennen is adjusting well. He's asked to go to bed all but 1 or 2 nights that we've been there!!! Can you imagine a 2 year old ASKING to go to bed? He HAD been sleeping all night everynight...only waking up once or twice for his binkie. I don't know what happened last night. At like 1:00 I think he may have had a nightmare b/c he laid in his crib (at the foot of our bed still) whimpering for almost 45 minutes (we are not mean people...we kept getting up and rubbing his back and loving on him...)!!! I turned on his turtle again thinking it was too dark...that worked long enough for me to fall asleep and then the whimpering started again. Finally at like 3:30 we decided we NEEDED to get some sleep so we put him in bed with us and he curled right up on my chest...then Adam's....then back to mine. This kid HATES to sleep with us but it worked last night...

more later... have appt.

Friday, February 20, 2009

10 years ago today.......and 8 years after that.....

Adam and I had made plans to go to a movie and out to eat once he got home from his school activity. He was supposed to pick me up around 5:30 or 6:00. Well 5:30 came and went. 6 and 6:30 came and went......Finally I get a phone call around 7:15...the bus had some problems and he was just getting home. All he was talking about was how tired he was...>Great. I told him "Well if you weren't so tired I'd invite you over and we could rent a movie..." he was here within 10 minutes. We drove the 2 miles down my road to the video store and rented "I Know What You Did Last Summer". He touched the small of my back on the left side...first time he'd ever touched me....funny what one remembers. After the movie we just talked and then he was getting ready to leave....I honestly didn't care if we saw each other again. I thought i might just like being single. As he was tying his shoes, he looked up and asked if he could come back the next night. Before i knew what I was doing "Yes" was coming out of my mouth.....The next night was amazing and well the rest is history...our history! :)

2 years ago today I woke up in Adena's birthing room and took a shower. Around 9 am the nurse came in and they strarted my pitocin. The Dr. checked me and I was only 3 cm but 100% effaced. The pitocin made my contractions really hard. They were all in my back and would never completely relax down. My monitor stayed above the 1/2 way line constantly. Around 10:30 they checked...yea still a 3...maybe 3 1/2 they said. They turned my pitocin off for a while to let the Baby rest from the hard contractions. Around 11 the Dr. came in and turned it back up and broke my water....she also decided to "make me a 4". Around 1 I was transferred to the delivery room and received an epidural........they are wonderful! :) I was still a 4.............
3:00....still a 4............... 5:00..............still a 4.......................7:00...We are really starting to think that a C-section is a real possibility. The nurses come in to check and are always just shaking their heads. At about 7:15 the Dr. comes in and checks me...Still a 4 she says. "I'm going to try and make you a 5......" About 7:25 I asked my Mom to get a nurse...it felt like my cathetar was coming out. The nurse poked in and said they were finishing up another delivery and would be right in. At about 7:28 the Dr. came in and took a look.." You're complete!" she says. Now in my head I know that complete is 10cm...ready to push. BUT less than 15 minutes ago she was MAKING ME a 5!!!! What do you mean I ask? "That's not the cathetar honey, that's your baby! His head is almost out!" They asked if I knew how to push. I told them that I had watched a LOT of TLC and discovery channel. I tried a push and they said it was very effective pushing. I pushed again. The doctor told me that during the next push she would tell me to stop pushing and that I would need to listen to her so she could suction out the baby's mouth....The nurse and I were joking and I started laughing really hard. The Dr. grabbed my knees and told me to stop pushing...(Disclaimer: I was not pushing..I was merely laughing...) Brennen's cord was wrapped around his little neck 3 times....Once she untangled it I reached down and finished delivering my baby boy at 7:33 pm!... 7lb 13oz! The happiest day of my life!!! I am a very lucky woman in that if I could relive that las 1/2 hour over and over again I would. Once he was out I fed him as the Dr. worked at stitching me up....I had lost a lot of blood and suddenly it sounded like everyone was so far away. I told Adam to get the baby and at that point everyone LOOKED really far away too. Adam said that I looked dead i was so grey...The nurses looked a little freaked out...but 2 boxes of OJ later I was ok. The epidural didn't wear off until late the next day. I was fine as long as I stayed in bed but if I tried to get up I would start to pass out. Ok now I really have baby fever! LOL...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

10 years ago today....and 8 years after that.......

10 years ago today it was a Friday and I had just went back to school after being off all week with strep throat.
As I rode the bus home I realized that going back was not such a good idea. I felt horrible. The bus pulled up to my house, I hopped off and walked up the sidewalk to the front door. As I was setting my bookbag down on the chair Mom was asking me how I felt and the phone was ringing. Before I could tell her how miserable I was she handed me the phone. It was my best friend Stasha. Her Mom had rented a room in a hotel in Chillicothe for her and her dad's anniversiary. She was going to go up to decorate it and let the kids swim in the pool...(Stash and I were 15 and her little brother was 11 I think.....) She wanted to know if I wanted to go with her. Of course I put on my best "I feel great face", turned around and asked my mom. She asked how I felt that day.."Great!" :) She said ok. I put on my swim suit and sweats...no make-up.....and my jacket. Her Mom was there to pick me up w/i 15 minutes.

Her Mom told us that she was going to stop at Krogers to pick up a few things....Stash and I decided to wait in the truck. (A little background now......I had been dating a lifeguard that I was just crazy about....but he was a little too old and lived a little too far away and things just weren't working out. I had thought this skinny kid w/ pencil leg jeans at Krogers was cute and I had caught him looking at me a time or two. So after lifeguard and I didn't work out My Mom took me to Krogers like twice a week so I could try to see cute pencil leg jeans guy...I thought he wore them just for work....Anyway after 2 months of searching for him I had given up and decided he must have quit...for the past month Mom and I had been going to Big Bear for another guy LOL...I of course had shared this great search w/ my BFF...) So we are sitting in the truck and I'm really feeling crappy...Thinking to myself "this isn't a good idea....why am I here?" when I look out the back window and there he is...Pencil-leg jeans guy is pushing carts!!! "That's him!!! OMG That's him!!!!" (As you can imagine a 15 year old squealing to her best friend...) In my sick stupor, I tried to come up with a plan of action....completely forgetting that I'm sitting there in sweats w/ no makeup. My grand plan? Yell at him....from the back of the truck window of course!!! "Kroger Boy! Kroger Boy?" I see him look aruond and panic..ducking behind the seat. New plan. I'm going to write my number down and give it to him. I search my pockets and find my school excuse....and the only thing I could find in the truck to write with....lipstick! That was too corny...even for the girl w/ no make-up who had just yelled "Kroger Boy". So we snuck out of the truck and went inside, up to the customer service desk, where I nonchalantly asked for a pen. I wrote on the paper my phone number and headed back outside. He was pushing carts and his back was towards us. As we got closer I started to panic. Stasha grabbed the paper out of my hand and dropped it in the cart he was pushing and we took off. (How stupid we must have looked....)

At this point we are back in the truck and are simply laughing at the whole thing. I catch a glimpse of the rear-view mirror...Pencil-leg jean guy is walking towards the truck. (Yes he wore a nametag..but for some reason my super memory failed me when it came to his name all those years ago....) He walks up to the window and asks whose number it is. I shyly raise my hand and a big grin breaks across his face. I see his name tag...Adam. We chat quickly about when I will be home and when he gets off......he promises to call.

That night we talked for 3 hours on the phone and set a date for the next night....Stay tuned tomorrow for the conclusion...

2 years ago today Adam and I were 5 days over due waiting on Brennen....this after being told 6 weeks earlier that he would be delivered by that weekend. I had been having contractions but nothing steady. We had an appt 4 weeks earlier where the Dr. was sure my water had broke....Evidently I peed. And the week after that the Dr. offered to send us up to the delivery floor which I understand to be the Holy Grail of offers...Basically if you are sent up, you leave w/ Baby. At that point Adam and I looked at each other and shook our heads....we didnt' want to push things if the baby wasn't ready. Now here we are...FIVE days PAST my due date and no real new signs that baby is coming. They said I was having contractions and they were getting concerned that my fluid levels were dropping....they weren't asking so much this time as telling us it was time. They wanted us to check in to the maternity floor and spend the night. Adam and I looked at each other this time and grinned....then promptly asked the Dr..."Can we leave and get something to eat?" He said to take our time and just check in on the 3rd floor...they would be expecting us. This was at like 4. I had been shopping earlier that day w/ my Mother-in law and Sister-in-law and had found the outfit I wanted to take him home in. I ran home to wash it! We went out to eat w/ my cousin Nicole at the Emmitt House and picked up our bags...It was about 8:30 before we checked in! They inserted something called cervadil, gave me 2 sleeping pills, and told me to rest. Around 10:00 we heard really loud screaming...sounded like a girl I had went to school with who was pregnant but wasn't due for a few weeks. She too was naming her baby Brennen. Now Adam and I chose Brennen because it wasn't common and being Adam and Amanda...we were all too familiar w/ going to school w/ a million people with your name. So I was at least taking solace in the fact that MY Brennen was coming first. Adam walked out in the hall and ran into a guy he went to school with....the guy that married the girl I went to school with. At 10:30 something on 2/19 they had their Brennen. Adam was sleeping like a baby by 11:00. I was listening to that Brennen cry and watching the monitors wondering when my Brennen was ever going to get here....Check in tomorrow for the conclusion.

Monday, February 9, 2009


4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10!
That's what Brennen can count to!! AH!
I came home the other night all excited that he stacked four blocks and counted them as he was stacking them...My mom nonchalantly tells me "Oh when I was watching him the other day he counted to 10 along with Noggin..." So I'm thinking he's said the numbers after them...didn't get excited.
Well last night he was taking his bath and we let all the water out. Aunt Nicole got him these cool foam letters and numbers that stick everywhere...I was having him help me put them back in the container and I started
counting...1...2...3...and then Brennen picks up with "four, fie, sic, se'en, ay, nye, ten!" And then he did it again!!! Such a proud Mommy moment!!! I love numbers and math....Adam HATES numbers and math....we were REALLY hoping he took after his Momma here and there is hope!!
I love my little man! Ever since he got sick a few weeks ago, he's been the sweetest baby ever! He's all into giving hugs and kisses !! So anyway I'm done gushing about my wonderful little man...I MISS HIM!! Ok enough..

back to work....

Friday, January 30, 2009

Snow Day 3.5....at least

I am beginning to forget what it is like to work. I haven't been at my desk since Monday and last week I took off early 3 days to deal with house issues. We are currently at a level 2 which means I do not go in until 12...unless we are still at a level 2 at 10:30 and then I get the remainder of the day off! :) There is hope for that....

We started out Tuesday on our way to drop Brennen off at Gramma and Pap's.....the roads were HORRIBLE!!! We were sliding all over and saw people going off the roads in the 5 mile drive. We decided it was too bad to try and make it to town....We ended up getting snowed/iced in at my in-laws. So we stayed Tues night. Around noon on Wed we lost power....they have a generator so we stayed put. It was only out about 13 hours...Thursday we got another snow day and Adam and I decided to try and make it over to Mom's...Several roads were closed due to ice, downed trees, and or downed power lines. Mom's electric AND phone lines were out last we knew. When we finally made it here the electric was back on but no phones....and there wasn't even cell service! We are still without phone...Oh and cable! At least the internet is working and allowing us to keep in touch with the world! haha

Adam went in to work this morning. They have a new judge who decided to interpret the severe weather policies differently than everyone else. It's always been that if at 7 it's a level 2, you are off until 12...if at 11:30 it's still a level 2, then you're off the rest of the day. Well the new judge has decided a level 2 means that you have until 12:30 to get into the office!!! This wouldn't be so bad but he never went over his interpretation of the policy and was upset when a couple of people didn't show up to work yesterday!! (Including Adam~) So he went ahead and went on time this morning to try and make up some time....I have another hour and 45 minutes to wait and see if I'm off for the rest of the day. I know work will be crazy when we go back on Monday, but I'm really hoping to have the rest of the day off with my little man. I've gotten spoiled having him so much...and I think he has too! Mom and I ran to Walmart last night and to pick up a pizza...when we got home Brennen came running and hugged my legs going "Moooom! Mooom" Oh it was too sweet! LOL....he got chocolate milk with his pizza! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Flying Boxes, Busted Pipes, and.....

a perfectionist for a contractor!

Oh what a day yesterday was! My Mom calls to let me know that the 8 chairs I ordered for our dining room table are in! YIPPEE!!! ( I wasn't really looking to get them until closer to the time we are going to move in....But that's a long story and they needed to be ordered sooner!) Well there was no place to keep them at the store and I needed to pick them up. My sister-in-law who is ready to deliver anyday said she needed me to come and help install carseats and help her figure out some features on hers. My cousin was wanting to know when I was going to come and see his new baby. My contractor was calling freaking out that I don't have an aerial view of our kitchen so he knows down to the millimeter where to position the light over the island..............Ay yi yi! With everything going on I decided to take some of my comp time and leave early from work.

Ok let's start w/ the daily report from Chris: Windows were going in yesterday...at least on the front of the house. The back of the house they have been having trouble getting the shingles on due to ice on our sheeting. They had the heater up there on Tuesday w/o much luck and Chris doesn't install windows until that portion of the roof is completed for fear of falling shingles breaking a window...So as far as we know the 9 windows in front were put in place yesterday. The electric was getting ran...at least started....yesterday. The heating and air guy said we should go w/ 2 seperate units...one for each floor. We had several people recommend this to us due to the efficiency of it, however we didn't think we could afford it. We were very pleasantly surprised for Chris to tell us that it really wasn't costing much extra! And he's totally freaking out about the light over the island...I am telling myself that it's a good thing to have someone so anal building our house!!! LOL!

So I leave work early yesterday and go to my Mom's store to pick up the chairs....We are talking 4 HUGE boxes...>They come up to about my shoulders, wider than me, and are pretty deep as well. They aren't that heavy just very awkward. Mom and I load them into the truck and two weren't real tightly wedged in. They had about a 6" gap b/w the box and bed of the truck. It wasn't windy, they were up against the cab, and I planned to drive cery slowly so I wasn't worried....(couldn't strap them in b/c of a toolbox in the holes for the straps...if that makes sense....well at least we didn't think we could strap them in....). So off I go. I go down Jasper...doing fine. Turn left onto 104....doing fine. Going about 35mph and I look back to see one of the boxes rocking....I was about 1/2 mile from Jasper... As I SLOWLY start to put on the breaks the box flies out, goes end over end a couple of times, and lands dead center in the southbound lane!!! At this point I am starting to freak out and mourn the loss of 2 of my chairs! I am in Tim's old truck and the flashers do not work so I'm trying to get turned around to go and get my box....Well this long line (9-10) cars going southbound will not even let me turn off into a driveway!!!! They can see my box...they can see the boxes just like it in the bed of my truck!!! Finally the guy behind me turns on his flashers and gets out to get my box off the road. I get turned into a driveway and run down to meet him. (Please remember the size of the box at this point....) I meet him about 100 yards from my truck. He hands me over the box and walks away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So here I am on the side of the road trying to figure out how to make this work...people zooming by. I am in my dress clothes from work and am freezing! Finally about about 20-25 minutes 2 guys stop and get everything squared away for me. I drove 35mph all the way to our storage unit on 23 north of Waverly. I loaded up the 3 good boxes and finally got down the damaged one. I slowly opened it up hoping to see all this wonderful packaging....Let me say that LIberty makes D*MN good chairs! They were not really packed other than plastic bags over the backs and a box b/w the seats....that was it and they were still perfect!!! :) Now getting all those boxes into the little space we had left was not fun! And to top it off my phone kept ringing. My M-I-L was calling to let me know they didn't have water and wanted to know if we could stop and get them some. Adam kept calling and fianlly I just ignored the phone! They are in the storage unit...I just do not want to be the one to open that door next time! LOL

My sister-in-law decided she was too tired to mess w/ the carseats.
Our can was finished and ready to be picked up once we got home...from where my brother-in-law backed into it.
Nicole never called about going to see Hayden.
So the remainder of the evening was fairly uneventful.
We'll see what today holds!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thank goodness!!!!

Brennen is feeling MUCH better!!!!

Bridget, I just got your BRAT suggestion!!! I remember reading about that somewhere now that you mention it. I guess we sorta did our own version...>Brennen really wanted applesauce on Sunday and he had a few bites of Rice Baby Cereal w/ apple and banana baby food mixed in! And Brennen HATES toast...can't figure that one out!
Sunday Brennen woke up about 2 am sick and proceeded to just lie around miserable most of the day. He started refusing to drink Pedialyte ( I think it's too strong tasting for him!!!) and requested "his Juice" instead...so we did about a 10:1 ration w/ water and he was happy and able to keep it down. I went to shower and he requested APPLES.....Adam and my Mom chopped an apple and gave it to him w/ water...that promptly came right back up. He basically cuddled and watched TV all morning....fell asleep about an hour on the floor and woke up miserable. He was crying and just couldn't get comfortable....And I noticed he was running a little fever. We decided to give him a dose of Tylenol in hopes it would calm him down and let him rest...this was about 4.....by 4:30 the little guy perked up and was ready to play!?!?!?!?!?!? He ended up eating a cup and a 1/2 of apple sauce..and then later about 7 1/2 a bowl of chicken noodle soup w/ crackers. We gave him some more Tylenol about 8:30 and put him to bed for the night...HE SLEPT ALL NIGHT! Til 9:00 the next morning!!!! And he woke up smiling and happy....didn't ask for food and I didn't want to push it. I got myself some Multi-grain Cheerios and he ran right over for "bites". He pretty much devoured my cereal and was a happy, playful boy all day yesterday! He only ate about 1/2 of what he normally does during each meal but I figure his little tummy has shrank...I know we are really having to tighten his diapers more to keep them on. It's amazing how much they can lose in just a couple of days! He's home w/ Daddy today. Adam is on 4 day weeks and yesterday should have been his normal day off...but with the holiday it didn't count, so he's off again today! He has the best schedule!!!

On a sad note...Our contractor, Chris, had our garage wall fall on him last week (400lb wall!!!). He went to the chiropractor who told him to take it easy, keep it iced, and not lift over 5lbs because he had a slipped disc. (This is the same chiropractor I worked for before coming to JFS>...actually where I met Chris!) Well by Thursday he was feeling better so he was back out working like normal...he was prying something and his back went out again. He went back and saw the younger brother of who he saw last week....(Dr. B. who I adored when I worked there and who actually asked me to come with him to open his own practice....long story!) Well Dr. B ripped him a new one and told him he now has a bulging disc that is ready to rupture!!! and that his entire back is sprained...he is to not lift anything for 4-6 WEEKS!!!! Chris is going nuts! However he grabbed another guy and they were out there putting on our shingles yesterday! I baked them some homemade chocolate chip cookies and took them out...I felt so bad that they were out in that cold like that! Anyway our windows should be in tomorrow and we ordered doors yesterday..Oh that's another post about Lowe's!!!!!! They are going to start wiring on Thursday or Friday! So she's coming along! I can't wait!

ok that's all for now. I'll try a Lowe's post later! ;0)