Thursday, January 22, 2009

Flying Boxes, Busted Pipes, and.....

a perfectionist for a contractor!

Oh what a day yesterday was! My Mom calls to let me know that the 8 chairs I ordered for our dining room table are in! YIPPEE!!! ( I wasn't really looking to get them until closer to the time we are going to move in....But that's a long story and they needed to be ordered sooner!) Well there was no place to keep them at the store and I needed to pick them up. My sister-in-law who is ready to deliver anyday said she needed me to come and help install carseats and help her figure out some features on hers. My cousin was wanting to know when I was going to come and see his new baby. My contractor was calling freaking out that I don't have an aerial view of our kitchen so he knows down to the millimeter where to position the light over the island..............Ay yi yi! With everything going on I decided to take some of my comp time and leave early from work.

Ok let's start w/ the daily report from Chris: Windows were going in least on the front of the house. The back of the house they have been having trouble getting the shingles on due to ice on our sheeting. They had the heater up there on Tuesday w/o much luck and Chris doesn't install windows until that portion of the roof is completed for fear of falling shingles breaking a window...So as far as we know the 9 windows in front were put in place yesterday. The electric was getting least started....yesterday. The heating and air guy said we should go w/ 2 seperate for each floor. We had several people recommend this to us due to the efficiency of it, however we didn't think we could afford it. We were very pleasantly surprised for Chris to tell us that it really wasn't costing much extra! And he's totally freaking out about the light over the island...I am telling myself that it's a good thing to have someone so anal building our house!!! LOL!

So I leave work early yesterday and go to my Mom's store to pick up the chairs....We are talking 4 HUGE boxes...>They come up to about my shoulders, wider than me, and are pretty deep as well. They aren't that heavy just very awkward. Mom and I load them into the truck and two weren't real tightly wedged in. They had about a 6" gap b/w the box and bed of the truck. It wasn't windy, they were up against the cab, and I planned to drive cery slowly so I wasn't worried....(couldn't strap them in b/c of a toolbox in the holes for the straps...if that makes sense....well at least we didn't think we could strap them in....). So off I go. I go down Jasper...doing fine. Turn left onto 104....doing fine. Going about 35mph and I look back to see one of the boxes rocking....I was about 1/2 mile from Jasper... As I SLOWLY start to put on the breaks the box flies out, goes end over end a couple of times, and lands dead center in the southbound lane!!! At this point I am starting to freak out and mourn the loss of 2 of my chairs! I am in Tim's old truck and the flashers do not work so I'm trying to get turned around to go and get my box....Well this long line (9-10) cars going southbound will not even let me turn off into a driveway!!!! They can see my box...they can see the boxes just like it in the bed of my truck!!! Finally the guy behind me turns on his flashers and gets out to get my box off the road. I get turned into a driveway and run down to meet him. (Please remember the size of the box at this point....) I meet him about 100 yards from my truck. He hands me over the box and walks away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So here I am on the side of the road trying to figure out how to make this work...people zooming by. I am in my dress clothes from work and am freezing! Finally about about 20-25 minutes 2 guys stop and get everything squared away for me. I drove 35mph all the way to our storage unit on 23 north of Waverly. I loaded up the 3 good boxes and finally got down the damaged one. I slowly opened it up hoping to see all this wonderful packaging....Let me say that LIberty makes D*MN good chairs! They were not really packed other than plastic bags over the backs and a box b/w the seats....that was it and they were still perfect!!! :) Now getting all those boxes into the little space we had left was not fun! And to top it off my phone kept ringing. My M-I-L was calling to let me know they didn't have water and wanted to know if we could stop and get them some. Adam kept calling and fianlly I just ignored the phone! They are in the storage unit...I just do not want to be the one to open that door next time! LOL

My sister-in-law decided she was too tired to mess w/ the carseats.
Our can was finished and ready to be picked up once we got home...from where my brother-in-law backed into it.
Nicole never called about going to see Hayden.
So the remainder of the evening was fairly uneventful.
We'll see what today holds!

1 comment:

  1. Did Dwayne's woman have the baby?

    Sorry about your box craziness. I can't believe people. You would think someone would have helped.

    Brian had an issue like that. I was with him when he was taking home a dinette set from a Sam's Club--had a chair box fly off on a state route near Portsmouth. He had a chip in a chair, but no real damage.
