Thursday, December 18, 2008

Welcome to our world! :)

My husband and I are driving home from work (we carpool!) the other night and I am telling him about reading my Cousin Bridget's blog. I go on to say that I think I will start my own once I finish reading her's. He replies that he really thought I would have one already. Well that was all the motivation that I needed. So, HERE I AM! :)

These postings will be a little blah for a while as my laptop is "in the shop". So there will be no pictures to accompany the posts. Brennen had a bit of a tantrum the other day and proceeded to knock it off of the end table resulting in a cracked LCD screen. :( I contacted HP and found that they would charge $700 to replace it...That's as much as it cost new...the WHOLE THING! So I called our local computer repair shop and imagine my great surprise to learn that they could replace it; parts and labor mind you; for under $200! I felt that I had really found quite the deal...even though 2 days before I didn't need to spend anything due to having a wonderfully working laptop. (We just bought it in July!!!!)

For those of you who do not know, we are in the process of building our "dream home". This has to be one of the most stressful things I have ever been through. I am a fairly anal person and I like to think that I have common sense and can use good logic. Adam and I have been together forever and honestly started looking at house plans about 5 years...yes you read that right....ago. We had in our mind what we wanted and couldn't find anything and had no idea when/if we would be able to afford what we wanted. We went from wanting a 2-story colonial with a family room and a living room...but they could not be adjacent to one another. We wanted 1 to be directly next to and completely open to a kitchen as well as other various requirements. On to thinking that a modular might be more practical. From those we went back to wanting to build our 2-story house and then on to thinking that a 1-story with 1 living area and a basement might be more practical. About a year ago we were looking at house plans online and found a 2-story colonial with one living area completely open to the kitchen and all of our other wishes built for a basement foundation: PAYDIRT!...Well almost. At the time I was only working part time and not making the best of money. 3 months later I landed an amazing job and we frantically went about finding this floor plan again.

Now in order to save money our builder told us that he really didn't need us to order the $700 blue print from the company...especially since I had already moved a few walls around! :) At the time he failed to mention that once the basement was poured....he would request us to lay out the entire house to scale on graph paper...marking centers of windows, doors, etc. Looking back...$700 may not have been a bad investment. However I am confident that the house will still be our "dream house". I am in the process of convincing Adam of that! ;o) And we are in the process of finalizing the second floor...on graph paper! Framing was supposed to have started about 2 weeks ago: Update: Framing is supposed to start today. Anyone who knows me would be proud at how patient I have been with the numerous delays. I have found that as long as I can see a finish line....I am ok with what happens before I get there.

And now onto my favorite subject: BRENNEN! :) This little man never fails to amaze me. I am constantly blown away by what he says. The other day we were at Adam's Mom's house and his Uncle Matt was getting ready to leave for work upstairs. We had been looking out the door and touching it, remarking on it being "cold". Brennen turned around and asked "Where Matt?" We told him that he was getting ready to go to work. Brennen replied with: "Matt go bye bye cold?" and looked very concerned. We assured him that he would bundle up and be just fine to which Brennen replied "K" and went on his merry way.
He LOVES animals. We have several non-fiction type toddle books with pictures of real animals of all kinds. These books have been his favorites for as long as I can remember. For about 5-6 months now he will go through and say the animal and what noise it makes. Ocassionally I find books with some new animals that he doesn't know. The other night we were looking through a new animal book and it had a llama in it. Brennen pointed at it, "shook his head 'no'", and said "Horrrse, nooooo". It was so cute. He knew that horse was the closest thing he knew, but he still knew it wasn't right.

Ok I think I have written enough...and I have no clue if anyone will even read this so...Have a great day if you are!

1 comment:

  1. Just a warning . . you will become a blog addict!!

    Glad to see I inspired you!
