This is my ankle on Chrismas Eve....... This is our basement! :)
The top pictures is of "cousins' Christmas '08"
Good news: We have our laptop back!!! I'm very excited about this. The screen doesn't seem as nice as the one we had, and there is one little pixel on it that doesn't work...but it sure beats needing a whole new laptop!!! :)
I hope that everyone had a great Christmas! Our's was nice, though stressful. More on why it was stressful in just a bit.....
Onto our holidays...Now I've already mentioned about both of our cars getting hit w/i 24 hours. The heater not wanting to work on my car.....Well all I've been looking forward to is that starting Christmas Eve I was to have 5 WHOLE DAYS off of work!!! Oh I was so excited. Adam was working til 12 so it was just Brennen and me for the morning. We hung around the house and just enjoyed each other. About 11 I headed into Nicole's to pick up the gifts that I had stashed at her house. My plan was that Adam was picking up chocolate chips once he got off of work and then was coming to help me load the gifts...After they were loaded I was going to come home, bake cookies, take a nice long shower, unwrap gifts w/ Mom and Tim, and just enjoy the day. Well on the 4th trip down the stairs.....the unthinkable happened. I fell and seriously twisted my ankle. I heard a crunch and thought Oh No! I was there alone with Brennen. I called Adam and told him to forget the chocolate chips and just to get to Nicole's. Adam's mom came in and picked up Brennen and we were off to urgent care....where we had to wait 2 1/2 hours to be seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now this wouldn't have been so frustrating but pretty much everyone who was in the waiting room was all jolly and laughing and having a great time....we couldn't figure out why they were there. Well when the nurse saw my ankles his response? "WOW!" When the Dr. saw it "Oh are definitely my one leaving here on crutches!". Not what I wanted to hear on Christmas Eve!!! :( They took x-rays and said they didn't see any breaks. I'm not supposed to put any weight on it til either tomorrow or Sunday and the crutches are already hurting my I've been gimpy so far this break...and I HATE asking people to do things for me. I had big plans of going shopping this morning...yea just not what I planned.
So anyway...other than that we had a very nice Christmas and enjoyed being with the family that we saw. Brennen got may more toys than he needed...but isn't that what Christmas is for? Anyway more later....I'm sitting here with my very black and blue foot missing my little boy...I haven't been able to chase after him, get down and play with him, or even pick him up since Wednesday morning :(
Yeowwwweeee. That ankle looks pretty painful. So glad it isn't broken. Cousins' Christmas looks like fun. I think I want to join you next year.
ReplyDeleteHope you had a great Christmas and can have a relaxing new year.