Friday, February 20, 2009

10 years ago today.......and 8 years after that.....

Adam and I had made plans to go to a movie and out to eat once he got home from his school activity. He was supposed to pick me up around 5:30 or 6:00. Well 5:30 came and went. 6 and 6:30 came and went......Finally I get a phone call around 7:15...the bus had some problems and he was just getting home. All he was talking about was how tired he was...>Great. I told him "Well if you weren't so tired I'd invite you over and we could rent a movie..." he was here within 10 minutes. We drove the 2 miles down my road to the video store and rented "I Know What You Did Last Summer". He touched the small of my back on the left side...first time he'd ever touched me....funny what one remembers. After the movie we just talked and then he was getting ready to leave....I honestly didn't care if we saw each other again. I thought i might just like being single. As he was tying his shoes, he looked up and asked if he could come back the next night. Before i knew what I was doing "Yes" was coming out of my mouth.....The next night was amazing and well the rest is history...our history! :)

2 years ago today I woke up in Adena's birthing room and took a shower. Around 9 am the nurse came in and they strarted my pitocin. The Dr. checked me and I was only 3 cm but 100% effaced. The pitocin made my contractions really hard. They were all in my back and would never completely relax down. My monitor stayed above the 1/2 way line constantly. Around 10:30 they checked...yea still a 3...maybe 3 1/2 they said. They turned my pitocin off for a while to let the Baby rest from the hard contractions. Around 11 the Dr. came in and turned it back up and broke my water....she also decided to "make me a 4". Around 1 I was transferred to the delivery room and received an epidural........they are wonderful! :) I was still a 4.............
3:00....still a 4............... 5:00..............still a 4.......................7:00...We are really starting to think that a C-section is a real possibility. The nurses come in to check and are always just shaking their heads. At about 7:15 the Dr. comes in and checks me...Still a 4 she says. "I'm going to try and make you a 5......" About 7:25 I asked my Mom to get a felt like my cathetar was coming out. The nurse poked in and said they were finishing up another delivery and would be right in. At about 7:28 the Dr. came in and took a look.." You're complete!" she says. Now in my head I know that complete is 10cm...ready to push. BUT less than 15 minutes ago she was MAKING ME a 5!!!! What do you mean I ask? "That's not the cathetar honey, that's your baby! His head is almost out!" They asked if I knew how to push. I told them that I had watched a LOT of TLC and discovery channel. I tried a push and they said it was very effective pushing. I pushed again. The doctor told me that during the next push she would tell me to stop pushing and that I would need to listen to her so she could suction out the baby's mouth....The nurse and I were joking and I started laughing really hard. The Dr. grabbed my knees and told me to stop pushing...(Disclaimer: I was not pushing..I was merely laughing...) Brennen's cord was wrapped around his little neck 3 times....Once she untangled it I reached down and finished delivering my baby boy at 7:33 pm!... 7lb 13oz! The happiest day of my life!!! I am a very lucky woman in that if I could relive that las 1/2 hour over and over again I would. Once he was out I fed him as the Dr. worked at stitching me up....I had lost a lot of blood and suddenly it sounded like everyone was so far away. I told Adam to get the baby and at that point everyone LOOKED really far away too. Adam said that I looked dead i was so grey...The nurses looked a little freaked out...but 2 boxes of OJ later I was ok. The epidural didn't wear off until late the next day. I was fine as long as I stayed in bed but if I tried to get up I would start to pass out. Ok now I really have baby fever! LOL...

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